Discipline :: Mount St. Garjiya School

Rules of Discipline
  • Punctually and regularity in attendance, proper dress, an earnest effort in home work, assignment and gentlemanly behavior in and outside school are always insisted on and in all these matters the parents co-operation is expected at all times.

  • Pupils who are absent on the first and last day of the any term, or who are away from school for five consecutive days without permission, may have their names removed from the register and will be re-admitted only after paying the admission fee. In all cases of leave of absence, prior permission from the principal should be obtained, except in cases of unforeseen circumstances, for which an authenticated reason should be furnished by the parent or guardian, however granting or leave is entirely upto the discretion of the principal.

  • The management reserves to itself the right to dismiss boys/girls who continually fail to make satisfactory progress in their studies or whose conduct is in any way detrimental to the orderly life of the school.

  • Students are strictly forbidden to introduce objectionable literature into the school. Strict action will be taken against those students found doing so, even upto suspension.

  • Students are forbidden to purchase any article of food from unauthorized dealer at or near the school premises.

  • Absentees at an examination will be considered as having failed unless it is established that their absence was due to illness.

  • Pupils are not allowed to lease the school premises without getting a note from the class teacher, which must be counter-signed by the Principal or the Coordinator.

  • Damage to school property, however small, will not be condoned stringent disciplinary measure will be taken against such offenders. The parents will have to bear the expenses of the damaged property.

  • The School is not responsible for goods lost therefore, it is not advisable to bring valuable articles like expensive watches, fountain pens, gold or silver ornaments, friendship bands, any other fads or too much money.

  • Loitering on the way when coming to school or returning home is totally discouraged. It should be borne in mind that promptness is another distinctive characteristic of a true guardian.

  • Students are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct in and outside the school. Hence, misbehavior in public places and conveyance justified dismissal, irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, object on able moral behavior and above all discourtesy and disrespect to teachers and each a sufficient cause of dismissal.

  • On their way to and from school, students must remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet the teachers of the school when they meet them, it being under-stood; of course, the teachers return their pupils greetings. Thus, every pupil is urged to contribute o the high tone of the school by his manners and deportment.
  • From the Principal Desk

    Mount St. Garjiya School is committed to providing a learning Environment and curriculum that engages, enriches and challenges children to discover and fully express their many strengths and talents. Our goal is that each child emerges as a winner and contribute to their families and society as a whole.

    Education goes beyond imparting knowledge and in the current environment it is all the more important that schools engage in education in partnership with parents in particular and society in general.

    At Mount St. Garjiya this will be our endevour - to encourage our students to take bold steps be self reliant yet compassionate grow in confidence, create lasting relationships with their peers, teachers and staff and be good citizens of the world.

    If along with knowledge our children are left with values that encompass ‘do to others what you would have others do to you’ we would consider our job well done.

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